Time whizzes by and I, I write of glimpses I steal

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Tam Bram on the web

There has been so much written about the Tam Brams (for the uninitiated - Tamil Brahmins) on the web and some of them are outright funny (even if, as a Tam Bram myself it is at my expense). The Tam Brams have been called "An interesting race".

Puja writes about them: "I can spot a tam bram from a hundred yards. Neatly combed oil hair, wheatish complexion but sparkling white teeth, an aura of intellect( imaginative), gold plated thin rimmed glasses, nicely tucked in check shirt in Levi's blue jeans, belt and Nike" and sagely adds "He will go to a pub, but won't drink. He will goto a disco and dance like a robot. He will slyly look at the pretty young gals, but pretend as if he is much too mature and dignified".

This one has gone through several rounds in the e-mail circuit - Tam Brams and their obsession with Maths and Science.

"Centum, Math, Science, BrilliantTutorials, Engineering, IIT, B.Tech., Computer Science, USA, Financial Aid, I-20,Student Visa, M.S., San Jose, California, Oracle, Microsoft, Intel [add Green Card, stock options]. These words and names are like carefully arranged furniture in the mental landscape of a Tam Bram boy-and increasingly girls".

Another important (distinct) feature of the Tam Bram is their insatiable thirst for frothy Filter Kaapi in Dabara Tumbler (You wouldn't imagine how people used to stare at me when I say I don't drink coffee - it is as if I have turned a heretic). The complicated process and the procedures to be followed are explained by Gapsa.

There are heaps of literature available on the 'Adventures of the Tam Bram' but let me conclude with this poem on Tam Brams.

Tam Brahm Blues

The Tam Brahm is an antique creature
Pompous thinking his fancy feature
Takes big crises in lighter vein
Looks down on fun, in disdain
Thinks too long, thinks too wide
Not more than curd-rice on his side
Likes to soar, over the worlds
Has a weakness to hear his own words
Frets on the future, of humanity
Has property rights on sanity!
But curls up then, in foetal grace
Sacred ash, upon his face
In a jiffy makes those numbers tally
Goes forth to conquer the Silicon Valley
But misses his roots, all the same
Sambar and cricket, entirely to blame
Seeks power in ideals, ideals in wealth
Adores simplicity, loves some stealth
Three thousand years, upon his genes
Amuses oldies, annoys the teens
He still might change the new millennium
With the excess packed, in his cranium!

I have been writing my Literature Review and the effect is evident in my style of writing. Please forgive.

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