Time whizzes by and I, I write of glimpses I steal

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Shankar and Anniyanism

I find Shankar's premise that only fear; fear of death is the solution to the societies' ills intriguing. In my humble opinion, a solution found thus is totally temporary. As soon as Indian and Anniyan leave the scene, people will revert to doing their things again. What is needed, is not stimulate fear but stimulate an interest, pride and ownership in the progress of society. And education. An education on how individuals can make a change, how drops make an ocean.

However, I think Shankar's movies are laudable. The anger that his protagonist possesses at the indifference of the general public to the plight of the country is inspiring.

Sometimes I fear that most youngsters have no set of beliefs, no personal ideals. I fear they are all empty and their creed is whatever is the popular trend. I fear that we are breeding a generation of conformists and followers. I don't know who is to be blamed for it or how we can remedy it. For now, let me just say that Shankar's expression of rage with Indian and Anniyian are welcome.


Ram C said...

Have you seen the movie?

Is it a review?

Looks like your opinion on the society!!!

Speech is Golden said...

Ram: Can I match a review from u? Wud i even attempt. yes, u r right - it is more a thought on society n shankar's movies than a review on the movie.