Time whizzes by and I, I write of glimpses I steal

Saturday, September 03, 2005

A loss

In my post on Iraq, I had mentioned Hatim Kathiria and mourned his death in Iraq. When a friend sent me the news little did I realise that Hatim's death was a personal loss. A lapse on my part. A bulb should have glowed as soon as that name was mentioned. I just didn't put two and two together until a chance conversation yesterday with another of my buddies. Hatim was my college mate.
Hatim was in different stream and I saw little of him in the college. Our acquaintance was limited to the pushing and pulling in the College Bus and more significantly to his room; just five minutes away from my own.
He was sharing a room with a close friend of mine and I have spent many hours in their room; frantic studying on the eve of exams, playing NFS on Hatim's computer and general hanging out together and bantering dollar to a cent. He had shown interest in my GRE preparations and my grand plans of higher studies in the US and I faintly recall that he had intention to go to the US himself.
I never knew what happened to him. Like several others in college I lost touch with, Hatim faded in to the dark recesses of my memory. Until today, that is. Now I shall remember him fondly as the roomie of my friend, a jolly guy who didn't speak a word of Tamil and survived with us chattering Tamil baboons. A guy with little dreams. A very simple man. God grant him peace. God grant us peace.

1 comment:

funny animated images animated funny pictures funny animated photos funny animated picture funny animated pic animated funny pics animated funny said...

How's the swamps? From the pictures you look rather dark! I'm like hot damn! She black! I miss you, men. :( I haven't had a good laugh in a while... & those are beneficial to my survival! The day after you left I woke up & I was about to call you.. to tell you come over.. but I remembered you left me.. *sigh* oh, I had a dream about Joshua.& Cole..*awkward silence*.[can't say the details via internet] ;) I've been talking to my host family and what not. They love me.. already.. I think. I was talking to someone about you. & they said: When she comes back maybe she can make better rice now.. & they miss you as well. I don't know the exact date of when I leave but I hope its after you come back! So I can see you in real life again.. before my journey.. *sobs* Please be safe out there, young grasshopper. I LOVE YOU MAN! *sends virtual hug* Oh, it’s a girl going to the same place as I am.. & she asked me to teach her English.. but she’s from a Spanish speaking country!