Time whizzes by and I, I write of glimpses I steal

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Desert Palms

I know you were never mine to begin with. Not that you are something to possess. (Maybe that was the problem). Anyway, I know you weren't mine (and I yours). Yet, I feel like I am losing you. Water running through my fingers.

Perhaps, if you were beyond becoming another's, above all possessing, an ideal that one only aspired to reach (as I thought you were), then my self-esteem wouldn't have taken such a hit.

Drip. Drip.

Desert Palms.

Dry Arid Lifeless.


Anonymous said...

AIn't it Always like that? losing to no one is far better than losing to "someone" right?

losing doesn't seem to matter

whoelsebutme said...

hmmm....i know how u feel...dont we all?