Time whizzes by and I, I write of glimpses I steal

Monday, June 26, 2006

Dear Diary???!!!!


How many of us have at some point or another maintained or attempted to maintain a personal diary? Almost everyone, I would reckon. Why? Granted, its a great experience to read ones own diary years after we write it and take the much touted walk down the memory lane.

Sometime back I read a few pages of my 2001 diary. I enjoyed keeping one then, in spite of being in hostel. My friends (should I continue to call them that) broke into my room once a week just to read my 'personal' journal and later made fun of me at the most unpropitious of moments. Grrrrrr.

Now I got to laugh at myself; how many totally-insignificant-now things meant a lot to me then and how I had rued or rejoiced them. Oh! The innocence of those growing up years lost now in the hard cynical world.

Diaries in addition to being nostalgic devices, I am sure helped me improve my writing skill - even I can't stand to read/write the same things everyday, can I?. So 'woke up at 7' became 'it was 7 when i woke' to 'the day dawned at 7' to finally 'the alarm screamed at 7 expelling all remnants of the jasmine fragrance of a wonderful dream'. Cool, uh?

And its a good mental exercise to keep a routine, form a habit.


But maintaining that acquired habit takes some will power (like quitting the bad ones) .

Then one fine day, I decided that great men don't like being (and shouldn't be) fettered to boring routine - and I quit attempts to keep up my diary. So here it is, out in the open - I am lazy to maintain a diary.

P.S. And needI add, I am surprised that I have maintained this blog for over a year now.

P.P.S. This post is not a continuation of the previous one and any similarity is purely conincidental


Anonymous said...

i dont know why, but whenever i read my previous diary entries [i write one or two few and far in between], it seems like i was always worried about really trivial things which just do not matter!
strange..... this comes at a time when i was contemplating on making a diary software [this is coz diaries on paper run the risk of falling into the wrong hands, and i cant find anything suitable enough online] and have been procrastinating about it.

Lalita said...

Hm, I maintain a daily events and expenses kind of a diary, and an intensely personal one. And, yes, the IPO is taking a back seat to blogging these days. Spot on, Ram. Thought provoking post.

Speech is Golden said...


Perhaps everything in life is trivial in hindsight. I look back and school looks extraordinarily simple, my first crush supremely silly. But at that time they were so so important and huge.

Diary software... oh! thats so geeky. ;-)

Glad I have some company in the procrastination department

Speech is Golden said...



Speech is Golden said...

Daily expenses diary... lets not even start. My feeblest attempt till date (apart from trying to ask this really hot chinese girl out for coffee) will have to be maintaining written accounts.

I was much better with 'intensely personal one' but as i pointed out earlier it was as personal as 'Dina Thanthi'. Still! It gave me gr8 pleasure in being read and so I didn't mind the breaking in or the badgering.