Have you heard someone point at an Indian-American and say, "Oh! He is an ABCD"?
ABCD, American Born Confused Desi is the title given to Indian kids born abroad, especially the States. It is believed that the cultural shock of growing up in an 'alien' environment and being far from our "traditions", "cultural heritage" and "mitti ki khusboo", these children suffer from an identity crisis. For instance, unable to decide if they are American-Indian or Indian-American. Whether to speak Hindi with an English accent or English with an Hindi accent.
I don't have any trouble with that classification. There are desis and there are confused desis. These desis can be born in any country and if born in America are ABCDs. What irks me is when people think that being confused is the prerogative of only the Indian diaspora.
If it wasn't clear from my previous post, which raised many questions and answered none, I am a confused desi. Very.
Yup! I am an IBCD. Indian Born Confused Desi.
We IBCDs aren't much different from ABCDs. You see, I wondered if my identity was of an Indian, Tamilian or Brahmin. As an ABCD, I might have wondered if I was American or Indian and perhaps Tamil or Brahmin too. I may not seriously consider my identity as a Brahmin but may use a substitute - 'Hindu'.
Likewise, our regional status fades into insignificance when we go out of the country. Not really!!? Let me put a qualifier. Most times, our regional identity fades into insignificance when we go out of the country. Tamil, Kannadiga, Bihari, Punjabi; we get along well. We are the Indian fraternity.
Even if it didn't, it is only an order of magnitude higher than an IBCD. Surely, we IBCDs deserve some recognition.
Maybe I just want company, but I think that being confused is good and that we need more messed-up people like me. Because, the opposite of being confused is blind acceptance. It is not that you know the answers to all questions; you simply don't ask any.
mm... something makes me think of it this way... you are a blogpost, and everything like "aeronautical engineer", "tamil", "brahmin" are tags associated with it. it all depends on what people are looking for that they concentrate on one tag more than others. how you would define your identity is that one tag that you would want to get you the maximum number of hits.
hmmmm.... interesting concept. maximum no. of hits may go to something like "moron".
i repeat - the one tag that you would want to get you max number of hits
well what bothers me most is not that I am confused but rather why is being confused derogatory..
well said akka!
why is the 'confused' expected to be ashamed?
Fuck the Biharis, man. Grow up. Heh.
*hell, i'm laughing my head off!*
p.s.: Phuck the Bitches. Not fucck phuck (you're not meant to understand this; but lets hope the bitch(es) do!)
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