Rahul stormed into the room. "He called me a 'curry nigger', the racist bastard. I can't believe it. You know, I thought we were over this name calling thing"
"It's never over. The other day, David saw me wearing sunscreen before the soccer game and said that it was the first time he was seeing a darkie, mind you, darkie, wearing sunscreen. I had to turn around to see if he was talking about some one else. Like hell, darkie. He is just a couple of shades lighter than me. It is not like I am black. I mean, after all I am North Indian and you know what they say, people are very fair in the north, its the Aryan blood and get progressively darker as you come southwards. And the SriLankans, man! they could give the Africans a run for their money". That was Varun, his housemate.
"Oh! David is white pig. Hey! You want to go somehere for dinner?"
"Yeah! Lets go try this new Ethiopian restaurant. Cheri said she liked it a lot"
"What the hell are we going to an Ethiopian restaurant for? Like they have anything edible! Their only cuisine is starving. They'll possibly serve you hot water with onion peals and call it soup. Lets go to Bollywood Masala instead"
White pig = vella panni :P
a friend had mailed me saying she was upset that i made these cheap comments abt africa.
i'll clarify tht i only wanted to show tht racism is present everywhere. tht we victims in turn victimise others lower in the ladder.
mahima va andha over sensitive party?
naan enna solla!!!
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