Time whizzes by and I, I write of glimpses I steal

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


Hatim Kathiria, an Indian in the US Army became the latest casuality in the Iraq war; the second Indian to do so. Well! I guess we should, at least now go beyond jingoistic nationalism, both Indian and American and mourn the loss of a young life for an unjust cause just as we mourn all those who died in this war. May we learn from these deaths the price we are paying for the war effort.

Read more about Hatim Kathiria here

Another historical marker in the war is Cindy Sheehan, mother of a dead soldier camping outside President Bush's Texas residence hoping to ask him a simple question, "Why did my son and so many other sons die in this war? For what?". No surprises that Bush did not meet her and there was a slur campaign to make her look like a hysterical mother; a raving lunatic. I am not surprised either that there has been growing support for Cindy and a new 'Bring 'em back' campaign has been launched, capitalising on her new celebrity status. (It is not her fault... that is the way things work)

Updates on the Cindy campaign in http://www.meetwithcindy.org/

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